Short Film (2021)
Written & Directed by Aidan Casey
Produced by Joe Lee, Raegan Levan, Lauren Bautista, and West Givens
Cinematography by George Rowson
*Currently in Post Production*
Junk is a surreal horror film following one man's downward spiral in the wake of his child's death.
LENNY is stricken with grief. His grip on reality begins to slip. Strange noises emanate from a nearby junk drawer.
Despite his efforts to suppress it, the drawer opens, and a ghoulish apparition is set free.
"As the director, I want to put the audience in Lenny’s shoes because, in one way or another, we all struggle with grief and denial. I hope the release Lenny experiences by confronting his demons leads the audience toward their own catharsis."
Junk was an incredible logistical feat. With several delays due to the pandemic, our team went to extra lengths to ensure the safety of everyone on set and finally make this project a reality. I could not be more proud of the resilience and determination displayed by my team.